Our Family
At Bethel Baptist of Hillsville, we know that life can often leave us feeling empty, confused, and hurt. That’s why we strive for Bethel to be a place where you will always have a family that will support, love, and encourage you.
We would love for you to join our worship service this Sunday at Bethel Baptist.
At Bethel Baptist of Hillsville, we know that life can often leave us feeling empty, confused, and hurt. That’s why we strive for Bethel to be a place where you will always have a family that will support, love, and encourage you.
Are you ready for an epic adventure? Come to the jungle and learn about the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. All school aged children are welcome to attend. Each night from 6–8pm, there will be games, snacks, worship, and a lesson. Don’t miss out on this jungle journey!
Experience a warm welcome from a small group of believers at Bethel Baptist who are seeking to grow together and reach the surrounding communities. Know that before you entered the door; your family was loved and being prayed for. We would love to get to know you and share our passion for Christ and others with you.
On Sunday nights, you are welcomed to attend a more intimate time of fellowship with our church family. We will meet in the fellowship hall located at the lower level of the church. There will be light refreshments provided.
We are currently studying Revival Praying by Evangelist Scott Pauley. This book takes a deep dive into what praying for revival truly means and will strengthen one’s prayer life and passion for revival.
Welcome! It is my honor to pastor this wonderful church in rural Hillsville, VA. Our church family is one of the most loving and generous church families that you will ever meet. Our goal here is to show the love of Christ to our community as we grow together.
I would love for you to visit our church and join us as we worship our great God each week. It is my desire that you and your family would feel loved and welcome at Bethel Baptist. We would love to get to know you and grow with you in Christ. I look forward to seeing you soon!
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